October 10, 2006 - Vision Systems GmbH, announces the release of
the 8-port version for the
industrial line universal PCI cards.
The industrial line UPCI cards are designed for industrial
communication. The three-way serial interface features
standard RS232 ports, RS422 ports with hardware flow control
and RS485 ports with several operating modes. With RS485 the
data direction is controlled by
control) technology. Your software doesn't need any changes.
RS422 and RS485 enable transmission on long distances up to
1000m which may require optical isolation and surge
protection. The optical isolated version even provides
isolated RS232 ports as it may be necessary in medical
monitoring environments. The 16C550 type UARTs make the
industrial line cards an excellent choice for all systems.
The compatibility options enable usage even in rare software
environments, different from Windows and Linux. The maximum
serial speed of 921.600 bps allows high speed data
transmission and many intermediate parameters.